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“While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about”

Angela Schwindt

Welcome! Growing Through Parenting offers insights, practical techniques, and helpful suggestions that you can use for your own growth and upliftment as a person as well as a parent. Whether you are already a parent, you are thinking of becoming a parent, or you know that parenting is not for you, the material in this blog can be helpful to you in creating a more fulfilling life for yourself. I have separated it into 3 categories of topics: On Parenting, Taking Care of Ourselves, and Managing Anxiety).

As parents, we consistently have our hearts and minds focused on our children and how they are doing. We mentally ask ourselves:

  • Are they healthy?
  • Are they happy?
  • Are they doing well in school?
  • Do they have friendships that are good for them?
  • Are they developing as they “should”?

With these nagging concerns, and the scurry of activity that day to day parenting brings with it, it is easy to lose track of ourselves and our own lives. We forget that in the end, it is how we are living our lives and the essence of who we are as people that we are offering our kids daily. As parents, it is not what we say so much as who we are that our children are listening to and modeling themselves after. Our role as parents is to help our children get the best possible send off into the life that they are here to live. The healthier we are on all levels (mind, body, and spirit) the healthier our kids will be. I have noticed repeatedly as a parent, as well as in my professional work as a psychologist, that when parents are willing and able to work on their own growth and healing, their children immediately benefit.

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I created this self-help blog because I wanted to share what I’ve learned during my own parenting journey, as well as my training and experience working as a psychologist for over 30 years.

It is my great hope that you will find this blog helps you in creating more peace and contentment in your life and helps you to offer your best self to your children.

For more information about me, please visit or

Sallie Norquist, PhD
51 Newark Street
Suite 202

Hoboken, NJ 07030

Please Contact Me

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